Kaloree’s Story
Breast Cancer
Clinics in Thailand GERMAN PROTOCOLS, IMMUNOTHERAPY AND WORLD CLASS TREATMENTS Situated in heart of one of Asia’s leading hubs for international standard health care Verita Life in Bangkok provides worldclass integrative cancer care in a state of the art facility. “We have always felt safe and respected in your care. We arrived with no hope
Dr Watcharavut Art Malikul MD Dr. Art is a senior oncologist with professional experience in Thailand, Germany and Australia. He attended Pramongkutklao College of Medicine in Thailand. He has been practicing for over 25 years and is an expert in oncology, radiotherapy, and integrative and complementary cancer treatments. Call Us Anytime +66 2 554 8333
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Dr. Thapana Tom Tangshewinsirikul, MD Dr. Tom is a medical oncologist with over 17 years of practice experience. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University in Thailand. His expertise lies in the fields of medical and radiation oncology as well as integrative cancer treatments. He also has special interest in Traditional
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Cancer Coach Program Verita Life’s personal coaching program “I highly recommend cancer coach to anyone who feels lost and alone in their journey and need some guidance…. I am truly very grateful to the Cancer Coach team.” A UK patient Our Story Cancer Coach, a service branched out from Verita Life with an aim to
Partner Clinics Your journey to Integrative Treatment is as easy as anything. Australia, coming soon Germany
Clinical Program – Patient’s Journey Your journey to Integrative Treatment is as easy as anything. Initial contact Using the contact form on our website, you can send us a detailed enquiry about your conditions. One of our experienced Patient Representatives will get in touch with you to explain our treatments further and answer your initial
Clinic Services Why Our Patients Like Us Verita Life puts the patient at the centre, unlike the growing number of countries where healthcare is run by corporates who treat balance sheets instead of people. Patient Representatives Our English-speaking Patient Representatives are always available to answer your questions and guide you through anything you need to
Clinical Program – The Center “Effective and unique cancer treatments without harming your immune system” We believe healthcare is more than treating symptoms – it is healing the person as a whole Knowing that your immune system is more powerful in the fight against cancer than any drug will ever be We are dedicated to
Ozone Therapy | VeritaLife Australia Ozone therapy is a natural and effective method to treat a range of conditions, including asthma, arthritis, skin conditions, and other ailments.The process of using ozone gas to heal diseases is called Ozone Therapy. Ozone's ability to correct oxidative stress makes it useful for various treatments. It has many therapeutic
Lymphatic Therapy | VeritaLife Australia The Verita Life offer of Lymphatic Therapy as part of its comprehensive program aims to stimulate the immune system and restore optimal flow to the lymph nodes. The therapy involves lymphatic drainage of body fluids allowing the movement of deep lymphatic channels, unlike traditional forms of superficial lymphatic massage and
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Deep Tissue Massage Personal goals for receiving Deep Tissue Massage can include the desire for a relaxing pleasurable experience in the midst of everything that is going on. This helps in relieving nausea or other symptoms such as pain or peripheral neuropathy and helping them get through the remainder of their cancer treatments. Some cancer
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Colonic Therapy | VeritaLife Australia Colonic hydrotherapy, which dates back thousands of years refers to washing out of the colon with warm water, to expel encrusted feces, gas and mucous plaque. It’s also known as colon therapy. It enables essential nutrients to be better absorbed. The colon is distressed with waste from our daily consumption
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Chelation Therapy | VeritaLife Australia Chelation therapy is a procedure used to remove heavy metals (including lead, mercury, cadmium and others) from the body. Cancer treatments come in many forms, with Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, and Radiotherapy being the most widely used. The medical practitioner often chooses a combination of these therapies based on the patient’s individual
Wellness & Education It’s difficult to reprogramme someone’s routine, so developing easy solutions can help with the transition. Whether it’s getting more exercise, cutting out sugar, reducing calories or quitting smoking. Our lifestyle education includes the use of specific herbs to help strengthen your body. We discuss the herbs that we use and why they
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Personalised Anti-Cancer Diet The kitchen, chefs, nutritionists at Verita Life clinics are fully competent in designing meal programmes that keep your body healthy and strong. This includes a trained chef, anti-cancer nutritionist and a fully customised meal programmes that patients can enjoy. The food you eat is fundamental to your physical and mental well-being, it
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Organ Support At Verita Life, our Immune Therapy Programmes combines a multitude of powerful integrative treatments. We allow the body to regain its strength and prevent the loss of muscle tissue. We’ve seen some remarkable success using this therapy alongside Herbal Medicine and our State-of the-art Primary Cancer-Fighting regimens. Organ support is part of a
Exersise with Oxygen Therapy Known as EWOT ( Exercise With Oxygen Therapy ), this is another therapy that has obtained far-reaching results. It uses light physical exercise as a platform to oxygenate a patient’s bloodstream. An oxygen mask is worn during the activity which helps to quickly send oxygen through to the capillaries. This has
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Whole Body Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment | VeritaLife Australia An increased core body temperature leads to the production of proteins (cytokines), which play a vital role in the immune system. Production begins shortly after the application of whole-body Hyperthermia and only normalizes after 48 hours. One of these proteins is interferon-gamma. It is an immunostimulant, and
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Peptide Therapy The treatment plans offered at Verita Life are all in an effort to intelligently destroy tumours without the major sacrifices that come with high-dose chemo. We discuss your options and select a personalised plan for patients to undertake during their stay with us. Get in touch with one of our patient care representatives
Natural Killer Cell Therapy As part of our accomplished integrative treatment programmemes, Natural Killer Cell therapy offers a powerful weapon against tumour activity. Patients will be given multiple simple, natural regimens that are designed to cleanse and strengthen the immune system. Once the body’s environment has become extremely inhospitable to cancer cells, the Natural Killer
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Dendritic Cell Therapy | VeritaLife Australia Dendritic Cell Therapy activates the patient’s immune system to fight cancer cells. It is a revolutionary treatment for cancer that works by utilizing dendritic cells. which already exist in the patient’s body, to trigger an immune response and instruct it to target cancer cells. The therapy has shown promising
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Metronomic Therapy Verita Life cancer-fighting treatments take Metronomic Ultra-Low Dose Therapy to its highest point of efficacy. We focus on long-term care in tumour reduction and a respect for the human body’s ability to fight off cancer. Alongside our array of Immune-Boosting Therapies, your system will thrive and allow the chemotherapy to slowly destroy the
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Metabolic Treatment Verita Life’s many cancer care treatments include a host of biological therapies designed to fight cancer alongside our primary cancer-fighting protocols. With a strong and healthy diet and proven supplemental therapies, your body can focus on defending itself against the spread of cancer. Along with our proven strategies and uniquely-tailored cancer treatment plans,
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Local Body Hyperthermia Local Body Hyperthermia treatments use modern technology to target and destroy tumours without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Unlike the X-ray radiation used in conventional radiotherapy, Local Hyperthermia is not radioactive and does not harm the patients. It has become an important and sought-after treatment in integrative medicine because the risks compared to
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Treatments – IPT | VeritaLife Australia Conventional dosages of chemotherapies are harming the immune system as well as all other organs. As a result of weakening the immune system, our immune cells’ capability to detect and attack cancer cells is impaired. Therefore, we use a form of low-dose chemotherapy, which protects the organs and the
Herbal Cancer Therapy At Verita Life, our herbal treatment protocols have been assessed and implemented by Dr. Adem Günes. Following years of research, he developed specific protocols to address varying types of tumours. We use proven compounds that stem from all natural herbal ingredients such as curcumin, quercetin and other anti-cancer therapies. These are complemented
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What are Biological Treatments Biological treatments are an important factor in alternative cancer treatment. They are supportive regimens that can sometimes fall under immunotherapy due to their nature, but are efficient in killing cancer cells. Biological Therapies are usually given in different forms depending on how they best serve their purpose in cancer care. Biological
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Anti-angiogenic Cancer Treatment The Verita Life clinics have the latest technologies in Immunotherapy, Detox Treatments, Supportive Treatments & Therapies and Primary Cancer-Fighting Treatments. We are proud to offer detailed and personalised treatment plans that fit individual needs. As part of a winning strategy, Anti-Angiogenic regimens offer a specific advantage in cancer care. By blocking new
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Overview WE HAVE ALL THE ALTERNATIVE CANCER TREATMENT OPTIONS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AND MORE. Primary Cancer Treatments Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Biological Treatment Herbal Cancer Therapy IPT Local Body Hyperthermia Metabolic Treatment Metronomic Therapy Immune Treatments Dendritic Cell Therapy Natural Killer Cell Therapy Peptide Therapy Whole Body Hyperthermia Supportive Treatments Exercise with Oxygen Therapy Organ Support
Our Approach WE CARE ABOUT YOU Verita Life Integrative Cancer Treatments Science-based treatments beyond chemotherapy exist. We are early adopters of some of these approaches and technologies and we both encourage and support the more established treatments too. Our doctors have done the groundwork on the treatments we offer, they are effective, ethical, and competently
Frequently Asked Questions If the answer isn’t here, get in touch, we love getting questions What are the treatments available at Verita Life? All our treatment plans are personalised, fully supported by scientific research, and holistic. For a list of our treatments and therapies, please see “Cancer Treatments“ Who does Verita Life have in its
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VeritaLife Alternative Cancer Treatments GERMAN PROTOCOLS, IMMUNOTHERAPY AND WORLD-CLASS THERAPIES Verita Life specialises in providing complementary and alternative cancer treatments. The medical teams at our clinics, comprised of doctors with many years of experience in Europe, Middle East and Thailand, offer integrative cancer treatments that are scientifically proven, unique and personalised. OUR STORY A Foundation
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