Natural Prevention Of Breast Cancer | VeritaLife Australia

Dr Gunes Dr Hossami

Dr. Adem Günes & Dr. Abdulla El-Hossami

Natural Prevention Of Breast Cancer | VeritaLife Australia

Breast cancer prevention is a pressing concern as the incidence of this disease is on the rise globally. This has led many women, especially younger ones, to seek out ways to protect themselves. Fortunately, researchers have discovered that certain natural compounds can help in the prevention of breast cancer. These compounds work by regulating the growth and metabolism of cancer cells, and their potential role in breast cancer prevention is a topic of discussion in this article.

Their role in the prevention of breast cancer is discussed in this article.

Black cumin
For centuries, traditional medicine has utilized black cumin for its potential effectiveness against various cancers, including breast, lung, liver, kidney, and prostate cancers. Black cumin is considered a natural remedy for breast cancer prevention and is believed to have numerous health benefits.

The active ingredient in black cumin is basically thymoquinone (TQ) which is extracted from the seeds. Studies even suggest that TQ plays the role of antioxidant as well in addition to apoptosis – cell death mechanism. (1)

  • Experiment on rats with cancers has shown that TQ reduces the number, incidence as well as the size of tumours in various parts of the body. (2)
  • It has been shown that TQ can have direct effect on prevention and treatment of breast cancer. (3)
  • When the extracts of black cumin were combined with an anticancer drug, the antitumour activity of the drug was enhanced. (4)
  • Combination of radiation with TQ revealed enhanced cell death and change in the cell cycle of the breast cancer cells. (5)
  • Black cumin was shown to be effective even in the presence of oxidative stress in making the breast cancer cells inactive. (6)


Tea contains a potential antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, which has been extensively studied for its cancer-prevention properties. Specifically, EGCG has demonstrated tumor-inhibiting activities in various organ cancers, making it a promising candidate for breast cancer prevention.

  • EGCG has shown cell death and enhancing the natural cell death mechanism of the breast cancer cells. (8)
  • The antioxidant properties of EGCG prevent damage to the healthy cells while the antitumour activities prevent the formation and growth of abnormal cells. This natural, non-toxic agent can be used in the treatment of breast cancers. (9)
  • When EGCG was given orally to breast cancer patients undergoing treatment with radiotherapy, EGCG was shown to enhance the effect of radiotherapy in these patients. (10)
  • The combination of other cancer preventing agents such as curcumin with EGCG has also shown improved results. (11)
  • The muscle wasting – cachexia, caused by cancers, is also shown to be improved by the use of EGCG. (12)

Garlic has been in use for medicinal and culinary purposes for over 7000 years. It’ also has breast cancer prevention properties. It is believed to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. The active ingredient in garlic is allicin, in addition to other components, which has antibiotic and antifungal activity.

  • Freshly extracts of crushed garlics have shown to stop the growth of breast cancer cells and altered their structure. (13)
  • The cancer protective effects of garlic are shown to be a result of their oil soluble sulfur containing ingredients. (14)
  • Garlic extract had a toxic effect on the breast cancer cells when tested in an experiment. (15)
  • Garlic has been shown to reduce the side effects caused by anti-cancer agents. (16)

Genistein is a compound derived from soy. Epidemiological studies suggest that populations with high isoflavone intake through soy consumption have lower rates of breast cancer.

  • Oxidative damage to the breast cancer cells may be the mode of action of Genistein. (17)
  • Soy consumption has been shown to give some protection against cancer in several tissues of the body. (18)
  • The inhibition of formation of blood vessels for the tumour results in the positive anti-tumour effect of Genistein. (19)
  • The effect of Genistein was shown to vary with various concentrations of the active ingredient in the breast tissue. (20)
  • It was shown that different concentrations of Genistein elicited responses in the cancer cells through different signaling mechanisms. These results are thought to be especially relevant in premenopausal women with breast cancer who are on a soy diet. (21)
  • The preventive effects of lycopene and Genistein, alone or in combination, on breast cancer development in female Wistar rats, were investigated. The proportions of breast cancer masses decreased with lycopene and Genistein combination. Administration of lycopene and Genistein combination suppressed breast cancer development. The results suggested that lycopene and Genistein are potent antioxidants and, when given in combination, offer maximum protection against breast cancer formation. (22)

Ginseng is a perennial plant, found only in the Northern Hemisphere. Ginseng has a long history of utility for various health benefits.

  • The effect of ginseng on breast cancer cells has showed that it decreases the survival of breast cancer cells and inhibits their growth as well. It also has positive effect in preventing the metastasis of cancerous breast cells to other parts of the body. (23)
  • The combination of the active ingredient with anticancer drug has shown more effectiveness in inhibition of the tumour growth than either agent alone. (24)
  • The mode of action of ginseng appears to be due to an active ingredient gensinoside, which reduces breast cancer cell proliferation and causes decreased stability of protein in breast cancer cell. (25)

Indol-3-Carbinol is a compound that is derived from an ingredient found in relatively high levels in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, collard greens, and kale, etc.

  • It has shown to possess antioxidant and anticancer properties. (26)
  • It has been suggested that dietary strategies that utilize effective agents such as Indol-3-carbine and its derivatives may be useful for the expression of breast cancer-producing agents. (27)

Lycopene is one of the carotenoids found in tomatoes and other red vegetables such as red carrots, red bell peppers, watermelon, gac and papayas.

  • It is potentially an anticancer agent. Increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables increase the level of components responsible reduce oxidative damage to the cells.
  • These components include lycopene in addition to vitamins and other substances. (28)

Dietary selenium can be obtained from nuts, cereals, meat, mushrooms, fish, and eggs. Brazil nuts are the richest dietary source available naturally.

In descending order of concentration, high levels are also found in kidneys, tuna, crab, and lobster.

  • Selenium has shown protective effects against breast cancer. (29)
  • The basic research of selenium and its cancer preventive role has given the signal that it handles cell growth and that it can be used as a form of treatment as well as prevention of cancer. (30)
  • Selenoproteins are modified proteins with genetically encoded selenium. They are thought to be very important in response to oxidative stress and regulation of various metabolic processes. (31)

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is present in fish liver oils such as cod liver oil and fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel. In addition, whole eggs, beef liver, Alfalfa plants, mushrooms and sunlight can provide Vitamin D to the body.

  • A major source of Vitamin D is the production by the body itself, after sun exposure. It is noted that cancer patients have lower-than-average levels of Vitamin D in their bodies. (32)
  • It has also been noted that chronic exposure to sunlight gives more protection against breast cancer than intermittent exposure. (33)
  • The role played by vitamin D in the maintenance of bone health has long been established. There is an association between vitamin D concentration and breast cancer. (34)
  • Suggestions are being made that the difference between the survival rates of cancer patients may be accounted for by the difference in the levels of Vitamin D. (35)
  • The ecological studies of several countries suggest a positive link between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer incidences. (36)

Apart from taking these nutrients, it is advisable for everyone to eat a healthy diet and avoid junk foods to minimize breast cancer risk. A plant-based diet that includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and more is healthier for consumption than a meat-based diet. Fish is a better option than red meat. Also, it is better to avoid trans fats but stress using healthy fats like butter and extra virgin oil.

In addition to making a change in diet, there is a need to make some lifestyle changes to lower the risk of breast cancer.

Limit Alcohol

Research on the effect of alcohol on breast cancer reveals it is necessary to limit your alcohol intake to just one drink per day. Even a small amount can increase risk. The higher the consumption of alcohol, the more the breast cancer risk. 

Maintain A Healthy Weight

It is essential to maintain your weight if it is a healthy one. Overweight people need to work with health practitioners and find ways to reduce weight and follow their recommendations. It can be through dietary changes, exercise, or any other method. It ought to get done scientifically and gradually. Drastically reducing weight can affect health negatively.

Be Physically Active

One of the ways to prevent breast cancer is always to be physically active. It will assist in maintaining a healthy weight. You can choose the activity that suits you best from strength training, aerobic exercises, or any other. It is prudent to follow the instructions of a certified trainer to avoid any complications because of such activities.


Breastfeeding offers a protective effect on breast cancer. The length of the breastfeeding period also plays a role in preventing breast cancer.

Limit Post-Menopause Hormone Therapy

Breast cancer risk can increase due to combination hormone therapy. It is essential to know about the risks and benefits of this therapy from the healthcare provider before undergoing it. You should undergo this therapy only if the benefits outweigh the risks. And opt for the least possible doses of hormones to avoid complications and side effects. Unless it is vital, you should avoid this therapy. Instead, it is better to use nonhormonal therapies and medications to manage post-menopause symptoms. And it is best done under strict medical professional monitoring. Following these guidelines will help prevent breast cancer risk.

Risk Between Birth Control Pills and Breast Cancer

Research outcomes from some studies point out that birth control pills and IUDs can increase breast cancer risk. Indeed, the risk can be small, but it is better to take some precautions, stay vigilant, and know about the risk beforehand. Yes, on stoppage of these contraceptives, the risk of breast cancer decreases. Regularly consult the medical professional before you take some action. Undergo tests to check if you are at risk for breast cancer. Always discuss the options available and follow what the medical practitioner instructs before you put your body at risk of breast cancer.

Precautions To Follow

It is prudent always to be vigilant. Know the causes of breast cancer and avoid any activities that lead to an increased breast cancer risk at all costs. It is essential to update yourself about the symptoms of breast cancer too. If you notice any changes in your body, do not hesitate to consult your family doctor. And do it immediately to avoid complications. The doctor may recommend a mammogram to confirm the presence of cancer in your breasts. Yes, early-stage detection has a higher possibility of recovery. So, following the doctrine prevention is better than cure can improve the quality of your life.

Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths in women. Its prevention is of prime interest in cancer research. The discovery of these natural compounds with anti-cancer properties has introduced a new dawn of hope for the women to prevent themselves from breast cancer. It is now suggested that women should use these natural compounds to protect themselves from the threat of breast cancer.

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Source: Dr. Adem Gunes


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