Breast Cancer, that bane of women everywhere, has seen the scientific community open up new battlefronts in an effort to ease the suffering of untold numbers of the female population. With an estimated one million new cases each year (and representing approximately 12 percent of all diagnosed cancers worldwide) Breast Cancer represents a quarter of the cancers diagnosed in women. Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment Centres represent this new and expanding arena in the unrelenting battle to tame this deadly disease.
Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment Centres
Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment Centres have come into their own with more and more discerning and informed cancer survivors opting for the safer, non-toxic and non-invasive treatment regimes on offer. There is a preponderance of these centres in the U.S. however they also thrive elsewhere too, and worthy of note among Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment Centres worldwide are the Verita Life clinics in Thailand and Mexico.
At Verita Life, one can expect to receive personalised care, safe in the knowledge that one is in the hands of professionals.
Alternative And Integrative Cancer Treatment At Verita Life
Verita Life doctors have practical experience garnered over many years of practice in Germany, Austria, Mexico and Thailand. The Alternative or Integrative Cancer Treatments offered here are scientifically proven, safe and personalised. The main focus at Verita Life clinics while treating Breast Cancer (or any other type of cancer) is to maintain overall body health while shrinking the cancerous tumour and preventing it from metastasising.
This is achieved through the four main areas of treatment highlighted below, with the idea being to attack the cancer from as many fronts as possible without compromising the overall health of the body.
Traditionally treated using invasive methods (with their legendary toxic side effects), the focus in tackling Breast Cancer has shifted to more holistic means of tackling this pestilence. These methods (also used for other cancers) can be grouped into four main areas of operation: the Killing of Cancer cells, Boosting of the Immune System, Rebuilding Health and Supporting Well-Being. The Killing or Elimination of Cancer Cells falls under the umbrella of Primary Cancer Treatments and is achieved through the use of IPT, Herbal Medicine, Viral Immune Therapy and Metabolic Treatment. Local Hyperthermia, Biological Treatment, Anti-Angiogenic and Metronomic Therapy also form an integral part of the arsenal of Primary Cancer Treatments.
Boosting of the Immune System is the second key pillar in Alternative Cancer Treatments and can be grouped under Primary Immune Treatments. Boosting of the Immune System is achieved through Whole-Body Hyperthermia, Dendritic Cell, Natural Killer Cells, and Peptide Therapy, among others.
Rebuilding Health (as part of Supportive Treatments) may include Personalised Anticancer Diet, Organ Support, Wellness and Education, and exercise with Oxygen Therapy.
Supporting Wellbeing involves the use of various therapies that include Lymphatic Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Chelation Therapy and Colonic Therapy. The patient also benefits greatly from Deep-tissue massage at this stage.
About Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells that starts in the breast tissue. About one in eight women in the United States will develop the condition in her lifetime.
It is the second most common cancer in women, after Skin Cancer and is most commonly also diagnosed in women ages 55 to 64. The disease can also occur in men, but it is much less common: Male Breast Cancer accounts for less than 1 percent of all breast cancer cases.
Female Breast Cancer:
A mature human female’s breast consists of fat, connective tissue and thousands of lobules – tiny glands which produce milk. The milk of a breastfeeding mother goes through tiny ducts (tubes) and is delivered through the nipple.
The breast, like any other part of the body, consists of billions of microscopic cells. These cells multiply in an orderly fashion – new cells are made to replace the ones that died.
In cancer, the cells multiply uncontrollably, and there are too many cells, progressively more and more than there should be.
Cancer that begins in the lactiferous duct (milk duct), known as ductal carcinoma, is the most common type. Cancer that begins in the lobules, known as lobular carcinoma, is much less common.
Invasive And Non-Invasive Breast Cancer:
Invasive Breast Cancer – the cancer cells break out from inside the lobules or ducts and invade nearby tissue. With this type of cancer, the abnormal cells can reach the lymph nodes, and eventually make their way to other organs (metastasis), such as the bones, liver or lungs. The abnormal (cancer) cells can travel through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system to other parts of the body; either early on in the disease, or later.
Non-Invasive Breast Cancer – this is when the cancer is still inside its place of origin and has not broken out. Lobular carcinoma in situ is when the cancer is still inside the lobules, while ductal carcinoma in situ is when they are still inside the milk ducts. “In situ” means “in its original place”. Sometimes, this type of Breast Cancer is called “pre-cancerous”; this means that although the abnormal cells have not spread outside their place of origin, they can eventually develop into invasive breast cancer.
Causes Of Breast Cancer:
Experts are still not definitively sure what causes Breast Cancer. It is hard to say why one person develops the disease while another does not. Risk factors can impact on a woman’s likelihood of developing breast cancer. Some of these factors include, but are not limited to:
- Age
- Genetics
- Height
- Obesity
- Dense Breast Tissue
- Alcoholic Consumption
- Radiation Exposure
Knowledge of these risk factors is crucial in enabling women around the world to take the necessary measures they need to take care of themselves in the best possible way they can.
We are always ready to help and welcome all cancer-related enquiries. A Patient Representative will be on hand to help you identify the course of treatment that best suits your situation.