We are ready to help with complementary and alternative cancer treatments. Contact us for a free evaluation.

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Verita Life specialises in providing Complimentary and Integrative Cancer Treatments, and opens up the field of oncology to greater possibilities beyond the conventional options of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.


Verita Life treats the body as a whole to attack the cancer from as many directions as possible. Our extensive treatment portfolio comprises of more than 25 different treatments focusing on killing cancer cells, boosting the immune system, rebuilding health and supporting overall wellbeing.


Dr Adrian Robinson M.D and our Mexico team, are led by Dr. Adem Günes MD. PhD, a world renowned expert in Integrative and Complementary Oncology. We are fully committed to providing the best comprehensive treatment programmes, backed by solid scientific research and analysis.


Verita Life provides a personalised platform for Integrative Cancer Treatment with an abundance of knowledge, clinical expertise and experience. Our medical infrastructure also includes the best cancer care from Germany, renowned as the world leader in Integrative Oncology, in its most progressive form.Patients from all parts of the world including USA, UK, Australia and Singapore choose Verita Life for the most complete range of scientifically proven Integrative Treatments, which include:


Nick testimonial VeritaLife

Nick Bruneau

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
When Nick Bruneau, from Missouri, USA, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, he decided to research alternative treatment options and visited a number of clinics in Mexico. At Verita Life Mexico however, Nick found the medical advice and treatment options far superior, while the personalised nature of the programmememes, best suited to his needs. From the time he checked in, Nick was impressed by the professionalism of the Verita Life Mexico staff and doctors, as well as the cleanliness and modernity of the clinic itself. Nick began to see an improvement in his condition straight awa
“They had my joint pain feeling better within just 2 days! Here at Verita Life Mexico, they treat the whole body … (and with) cutting edge technology”
Conne’s Story Bladder Cancer

Conne Bard

Bladder Cancer
Diagnosed with advanced bladder cancer in 2018, Conne Bard, 75 was given no options of treatment in her home country of the USA, due to a serious hearing problem. Seeking alternatives, Conne came across Verita Life clinics and soon after travelled to Mexico to undertake a 4-week programmememe, which included IPT or low dose chemotherapy, Local Hyperthermia, Dendritic cells and Natural Killer (NK) Cell Vaccines. Conne also noted the convenience of the clinic to her hotel, the assistance she received from staff and how safe she felt in the location.
“I went to the University of Penyslvania, Sloan Kettering and John Hopkins and basically they told me – see you!”.
Duane’s Story Testicular Cancer

Duane Klaassen

Testicular Cancer
When first diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2002, Duane Klaassen chose to undergo surgery and radiation treatment with positive results and several years of good health. However, with a recurrence of the disease in 2018, and surgery the only option given, Duane decided to do further research. Attracted by Verita’a global network of clinics and its international standard protocols, Duane arranged a free consultation with the Medical Director at VLM. Anyone considering treatment to do the same.
“If you decide to come down here, make sure you bring a spouse or a friend or a family member to help you through”

Verita Life has two next generation integrative cancer treatment clinics around the world which are located in Baja (Mexico) and Bangkok (Thailand).


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Disclaimer: This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of your doctor. All medical treatments have varied outcomes. Results from the treatments will vary from patient to patient.