Mrs Lee’s Story
Thyroid Cancer
How Can We Help ?Verita Life uses many successful Integrative Treatments to fight Thyroid Cancer effectively. Our multi-faceted Immune Boosting and targeted Cancer-Fighting regimens have seen fast, effective and safe results. Our doctors are confident in our treatment packages and their outstanding results in shrinking tumours while strengthening the patient’s overall immune response. These packages
Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month is observed in September. The thyroid, a gland that produces hormones that regulates the body’s use of energy and ensuring normal functioning, is located in the front of the neck. Thyroid cancer occurs when abnormal cells begin to grow in the thyroid. The theme for Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month is ‘Find
Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month 2017 Read More »
Thyroid CancerThyroid Cancer is a cancer of the thyroid gland. Thyroid glands are located at the front of the neck and they produce hormones that help the body to function normally and to use energy. Although the exact cause of Thyroid Cancer is not known, there are certain risk factors associated with the illness, these
Thyroid Cancer Patient’s Positive Message after Integrative Treatment Read More »