Clinical Program - The Center

“Effective and unique cancer treatments without harming your immune system”

We believe healthcare is more than treating symptoms – it is healing the person as a whole​

Knowing that your immune system is more powerful in the fight against cancer than any drug will ever be

We are dedicated to delivering unique treatment that maximise the outcome while minimising side effects

Seeing a happy patient and smiling loved ones post treatment is our greatest source of joy

VeritaLife Logo

Our focus is on the patient

Most cancer patients are worried about the low success rate and potentially long-lasting side effects of conventional treatment.

Many consider Verita Life a first stop because even if their cancer does not improve, they can always switch back. They will at least have a strengthen immune system and organ function to face conventional therapy with.

In fact, many patients can avoid conventional therapy altogether after successful integrative treatments.

Medical Services

VeritaLife Map

Personalised Treatment Plan

One size does not fit all could not be more true especially in cancer treatment. That is why your Verita Life journey starts with a free consultation to find out more about the distinct clinical treatments we offer and which ones would be most appropriate for your unique situation.
Science Experiment

Fully Staffed Facilities

Verita Life clinics are staffed with caring and skilled doctors and medical professions as well as support staff who always make sure your questions are not left unanswered. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest international standards of medical care, facilities, customer service and a truly personalised and com­passionate patient environment.
Telehealth Support

Post In-Clinic Treatment Support

It is a sad fact that even after successful treatment many cancers return. That is why every Verita Life patient will continue the treatment programme while they are at home through our HomeCare Packs which are customised combinations of drugs, herbal medicine, and supplements in specific doses targeting at your specific cancer and supporting your conditions.
Blood Test

Regular Laboratory Tests

Individuality is the key. Each patient acts differently even to the same treatment. Close monitoring and regular labora­tory tests can help our medical team to ensure safety and efficacy of the treatments. They can then adjust the treatment plan accordingly and imme­diately if necessary.